We are so excited for your upcoming baptism! Please read below for what you, and your guests, need to know:

What should I bring?

  • You'll need to bring an extra set of clothes to change into that you are cool with getting wet (avoid see-through items, white clothing, etc). 

  • Flip flops are good to bring too because they are easier to slip on and off before you get into the water.

  • A plastic bag for wet things is helpful as well.

    • We will have towels for you, so no need to bring those!

    • We will also have a baptism shirt there ready for you too as a congrats gift if you want to wear that during or after, but you don't have to.

When should I arrive?

  • Getting baptized at the 8:30 service? Make sure to ARRIVE BY 8:10 AM

  • Getting baptized at the 10:00 service? Make sure to ARRIVE BY 9:40 AM

  • Getting baptized at the 11:30 service? Make sure to ARRIVE BY 11:10 AM

Where should I park?

  • There will be reserved parking for you out front. Look for a blue and white Baptism Parking sign or let one of our parking team members outside know that you’re there for your baptism and they will direct you to your reserved spot.

Where do I go once I park?

  • Enter through the main lobby as usual and head to Next Steps where your Baptism Host will be waiting to give you a walkthrough of what to expect throughout the morning.

    • This will include where you and your guests will sit, how to get into the tub, how to hold your nose, what time you'll sneak out of service to get changed, how to smile when you come out of the water, etc

How can I prepare my guests?

  • If you are inviting other people, they should plan to arrive at the building 10min before service begins so that they can connect with you, find the reserved seats, and have time to check-in their children before the service begins.

    • There will be reserved seats in the front of the auditorium near the baptism trough for you and anyone else you'd like to sit with you.

    • Please be sure to let your invitees know that we have a designated Collective Kids area for their birth-5th graders. We kindly ask guests to not bring children into the auditorium to keep it as distraction free as possible. They can pre-register here. If your invitees are not comfortable checking in their child(ren) into Collective Kids, they are welcome to watch the service on the TV in the lobby or on the TV in the parent care room for those with small children.

Do I need to prepare anything to say on stage?

  • You won't need to prepare anything to say! A Collective Leader doing your baptism will do all the talking and then all you will need to do is repeat a Profession of Faith after them.

    • "I believe, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, My Lord, and My Savior"

    • It will actually be printed out and hidden inside of the trough too just in case nerves get the best of you.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your baptism host with any questions you have. We can't wait to be a part of this special day and to see how God uses your story to bring others to know Jesus.