The Collective Kids Team invests in the lives of the kids ages birth through 5th grade by creating an intentionally safe and engaging environment for kids to bump into Jesus through worship, lessons, and small group discussion.

Registration Team: Connects with and welcomes families into Collective Kids before providing a secure check-in and helping to introduce kids to their classes.

Environment Host | First Time Guest Host

Returning Guest Host | Student Bridge (teens)

Nursery Team: Creates a safe and nurturing environment to care for infants and toddlers while also introducing them to Jesus and His love.

Room Facilitator | Community Builder | Student Bridge (teens)

Pre-K Team: Creates a safe and engaging environment that invites kids to get to know Jesus through music, storytelling, and structured play.

Room Facilitator | Community Builder | Student Bridge (teens)

K-5th Team: Creates a safe and engaging environment that invites kids to get to know Jesus through interactive lessons and hands-on games and activities.

Small Group Leader | Community Builder | Student Bridge (teens)